My Preferences

CWD Preferences

Upcoming CWD Preferences

One of the benefits of having a single sign on system is that we can now very easily add personalisation into our online services including the common web design.

You can now set some accessibility preferences for the CWD that will will be enabled whenever you visit a CWD enabled website. To do so, go to

We’re still testing these features so if they don’t appear straight away then don’t worry. When we do roll this out to everyone you’ll receive a popop the first time you visit a CWD site to confirm the settings (or if you haven’t already set them you’ll be able to do so).

Ready for prime time

The CWD is now implemented on more than 50 University of Lincoln websites and blogs (see and after many hours debugging and testing it’s finally ready for prime time.

Proudly introducing

From tomorrow (17th August ’10) we’ll begin the process of updating sites to point at the new address and also updating the sites to version 2.3 Dallas Dhu which has been in development for the past 2 months. Tomorrow I’ll put up a post detailing the changes in 2.3 as well as some updated documentation that Nick has been working hard on.

How to get Exchange 2003 and OS X Snow Leopard to play nice

At the University of Lincoln we are using Exchange 2003 without IMAP enabled for our email and calendar server.

Snow Leopard has fantastic Exchange integration…if you’re using Exchange 2007+ and until recently there hasn’t been a way (short of using Microsoft Entourage – yuck!) to get your email and calendars in a native program.

Until now!

Enter DavMail.

DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP exchange gateway allowing users to use any mail/calendar client (e.g. Thunderbird with Lightning or Apple iCal) with an Exchange server, even from the internet or behind a firewall through Outlook Web Access

Here are some instructions on how to get it setup for staff at University of Lincoln. For students, come September you’ll access your email through Google Mail which is already Snow Leopard friendly. Note these instructions will be similar for Linux users.

First download DavMail for OS X from

Install the program and setup your settings like this:

DavMail settings

Note: the OWA (Exchange) URL should be:


Download and install Mozilla Thunderbird from

Setup a manual account with the following settings (click for larger images):

Obviously replace my credentials with yours.


Open iCal Preferences, click accounts, then the + to create a new CalDav account.

Ensure the settings look like so:

Again replace my credentials with yours

The server path should read /principals/users/

Address Book

I’ve not got address book set up yet but when I have I’ll post instructions here